Post Message
fulvio 1966: Rick Davies' health
Here i am again, dear Friend Bob.
I'm asking you a very simple courtesy that is the courtesy of many people and fans in the world.
If you happen to contact RICK, please encourage him to fight every day!!
I'm sure he is a lion, not only on stage!!!
We all want to see him again, alive and kicking!!!
Sunday, 23 August 2015
fulvio 1966: Dear RICK DAVIES
Bob, i "take" your space to embrace, to support, to salute, to encourage Rick against his serious health troubles. I'm sure all Supertramp Fans are so close to him, now.
I hope for the best, i hope to meet you again in the future.
Thursday, 06 August 2015
Paul C: Ricks health
Hi Bob, gutted to just hear the news regarding Ricks health and that you guys will be unable to tour this winter. Would like to send a message to Rick but cant find email or twitter to send get well message so wondered if you could help. Massive tramp fan and enjoyed seeing you guys live in UK many times over the years, your drum sound live has always been crisp and clear and hope to see you again in the future! Regards Paul (UK)
Tuesday, 04 August 2015
Dave: Supertramp Forever
Great to see the band touring again!
Sadly, unless a date is added in Scotland, this will be the first tour in 40 years I will miss
. Maybe next time
Monday, 20 July 2015
Fulvio-Italy: Supertramp FOREVER Tour 2015
Dear Bob let's have a relaxing Summer time before the Fall European Concerts.. I hope to meet you in Milan on 9 November, and to see a very very exciting venue!!
Monday, 06 July 2015