Post Message
Fulvio-Italy: New Year 2015
Dear Bob, i sincerely wish to you all the best for the new year, hoping it could be full of music and health for everybody!!!
Monday, 05 January 2015
Fulvio-Italy: New Year 2015
Dear friend BOB, i wish to you and your family my best wishes for the upcoming new year!! I sincerely hope that it could be full of health and... music for all...!!
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Fulvio-Italy: 40 Th Anniversary CRIME OF THE CENTURY
Christmas is arriving, and finally it's arriving in 2 weeks the Disc CRIME OF THE CENTURY Special Edition, so long waited!! Oh yes, really not so special for the real fans who know and all everything, but a Bit is always better that nothing!!! Thanks
Monday, 24 November 2014
Keith: Rogers Holiday Kit
Hi Bob, I have a Rogers Holiday drum kit which I bought years ago from a second hand music store in Edinburgh. I recall at the time (circa 1984) being told that the kit once belonged to the drummer in Supertramp. Was this your kit? If not I'm sorry for troubling you, but if it was I'd like you to know that it has a good home and is dearly loved by myself. Incidentally I dug everything you guys did! It would be nice if you could confirm as to whether or not you might have owned this great little kit. Best wishes, Keith
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Carlos: Discography Comments
Hi Bob, I really enjoyed reading the discography short stories. I look forward to reading the others to come!! Regards.
Saturday, 11 October 2014