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Chris: Book
I can't wait to buy your book. Please notify me or thru your web site when it is available.
I'm biased, because Supertramp was and is my favorite group, but I think you were ( and still are ) one of the best drummers in the 70's and 80's ( heydays of Supertramp ).
On the song "Crime of the Century", I hear you at your best.
Monday, 24 October 2016
Phil: Hello from Huntington, West Virginia, USA
Hope that Rick Davies is doing well. All of West Virginia is praying for a speedy recovery! Hope to see you touring!
Friday, 09 September 2016
Helio Rubens: Best Wishes for you and Rick
We are praying for the health of Rick Davies.
If possible, give him the best wishes from the fans of Brazil.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Fulvio1966: News on June 2016
Thank you very much, Bob!! It is so kind to read about your days, about Jessie, about the CD version of "The Glendale River", about baseball and about Rick's health... I never stop to pray about
Monday, 13 June 2016
Scott Runtzel: Supertramp on Sirius
Just heard a Supertramp song from my high school era on Sirius Classic Rewind and remembered how much I love Supertramp songs. Cheers from Bass Lake!
Friday, 11 December 2015