Post Message
Jeff King: Wilson Band
Saw your name in Glendale High School famous alumni as Supertramp drummer. Never knew. I love Supertramp's music. I was in Mr Rush's band class with you 50 years ago at Wilson Jr High. Just wanted to say Hi and congratulate you on your success
Friday, 10 October 2014
Bob Ravet: In Mexico
I was told you have a place in Mexico in a small little town. I just happen to be down here and would love to buy you a beer at Christian's place sometime.
I saw Supertramp at the Moore Eqytian Theater in Seattle...can still remember your opening act...Chris de Burgh. The thing that stood out that night...other than the awesome music was the "Gorilla". Not sure how many times I have retold that story. I have to say...40 years later...that show is in my top 10 list. The only question is now...Victoria or Corona? :)
Bob Ravet
Tres Mujeres Hotel
Thursday, 11 September 2014
fulvio 1966: RICK DAVIES - Birthday
Tuesday 22 July, Rick Davies Supertramp co-founder is 70 y.o.!!
Best wishes and congratulations from the whole Supertramp's world!!
Thankyou Bob for this space you allows.
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Fulvio-Italy: SUMMER 2014
Ciao Bob, your fans are very happy to read news from you, even if not only from "Supertramp's World". Your words are simply an human touch, very appreciated. Who knows if we could meet again in the future in Italy, there are thousands miles between California and Europe... Please, don't stop writing..!!
Sunday, 01 June 2014
Richard Freeman: Goodbye Stranger
The drums (and rhythm entirely) on this song are just world-class - both then and (especially) now.
Thursday, 23 January 2014