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Dear Bob, it's almost summer time for the most of all, and i think you are preparing with the Band's members the upcoming 24 european shows. I'd like so much to read something about!!
See you in Milan on November, 9.
Monday, 15 June 2015
fulvio 1966: 2015 SUPERTRAMP TOUR
Hi Bob, i really hope everithing is OK!! I'm looking forward to read all the news concerning the upcoming European Fall Tour, as there are no particular news on Supertramp's Website, on John's website, on Jesse's website and also on yours since last February....
I'm so confident to see great concerts, expecially with songs usually forgot. I'd like a different "set List" respect the 70/10 Tour... There are so many good songs out there, from your wonderful career!!!
Tuesday, 02 June 2015
LightningBolt: The Gendale River
As I bought your first albums as a CD from your website I would buy THE GLENDALE RIVER as CD also.
And of course I am very happy about six weeks in late fall.
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Giorgio - Italy: The Glendale River
Hallo Bob, HERE I AM!!
I'll buy immediately a CD through your website, i hope many fans will.
I'm looking forward to see when, and where SUPERTRAMP will be touring the next fall....
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
fulvio 1966: SUPERTRAMP 2015
Wow. the Supertramp website Home page says "Under Construction - looking forward to an exciting year 2015"...
Just a joke or Rick is really preparing something new??
Finger crossed, Bob and Fans!!!
Thursday, 05 February 2015