December 2023
Hello all... I would like to begin this communication with a heartfelt message of Happy Holidays to one and all. Another year has gone by and everyone is still standing. A miracle.
My life continues to be full and active, and my wife Gayle joins me in wishing you all good health. She is well and happy, essential in all things. Our kids and grandkids, eight in all now, are well and thriving. They are a constant source of joy, and now age from 17 to 3 years. We are grateful and love them all.
I am still coaching high school varsity baseball. They will have to drag me off the field. I like being around these young men and hopefully bring a positive influence in their life. I love being able to instruct and deliver insight into the game. It’s a beautiful game. I also love the competition on game day. It gets the heart beating and head focusing. I don’t do well sitting at home. Coaching keeps me active mentally and physically. I know what I’m going to get up and do every day.
Todd Hannigan has moved away to just outside of Austin, Texas, and it has put a glaring hole in my live performance schedule. Anyway, I am always plugging away at new music. Again, I have several on the front and back burner.
That’s all for now. Thanks for your interest and til next time.
All the best for the New Year,