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Armand Faguy: Give a Little Bit - Original Drum Track
Good day sir, thanks in advance for taking the time to read my query. This year marks 53 years drumming, and in my formative years as a player I found you...Supertramp came along for the ride! Your style of kick drum to bass guitar taught me lessons I still play with to this day, for that I thank you. My question really has to do with the drum track on "Give a Little Bit". I have recently been restudying the music of my youth, and I was wondering if you could shine a little light on how the 16th note pattern that I am hearing was played. To guess then, I would say it was all hi-hat and snare, but as of late I am hearing what I think is a shaker of some sort going on behind the drum track. I know you were innovative with sounds in the studio back then, as digital recreation was not yet a tool you could use. I hope that this question is clear enough, I would love it if i could find a drum isolated track, but I think trying to connect with you on here will be more rewarding. I hope you are well in this time of global uncertainty. Thanks again for reading.
Armand Faguy
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Thursday, 16 April 2020
Bryan Larsen: drum configuration
I am a drummer in Utah. I believe your brother may have been my co-workers PE teacher back in the late 70's or early 80s. I am wondering what your shell configurations/ specs are and how you came to choose the style of drums that you have played over the years. Your talent is amazing and inspiring. Thank you.
Friday, 06 December 2019
Oswald: Birthday
Happy Birthday Bob, you're a nice guy, both musical and personal version :) . Many congratulations and expect more activity from you in the future!
Friday, 02 November 2012
John DeSimone: Thanks for all the motivational music!
I can still remember the evening a friend I had turned on to the drums when we were teens in the 70's introducing me to Supertramp. It was the song Rudy playing on the radio. After hearing that I began listening to the band and naturally focused in on your playing and heard the delicate sounds you incorporated along with the big drum sounds for the heavier parts of the songs. I always marveled at how your style of playing makes Supertramp sound so good. I saw the band at Darien Lake in 1997 and 2002 and thought you guys were incredible. John Halliwell said something to the effect that the band would not stop people from "lighting up" if they wanted. Immediately the smell of weed became quite strong and no one was harrassed that I saw. You guys are truly original and it would be great to see the band play again in the Buffalo, NY area. Best wishes for you and Jesse in your future endeavors! Cheers!
Friday, 02 November 2012
Carlos Magalhães: Aniversário
Parabéns Bob, por favor continua em Supertramp!... E brindem-nos com novos DVDs!
Desejo-te o melhor para o futuro!...
Thursday, 01 November 2012